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Another "Independent" Report Subject to Claims of Interference - The Victorian Way!

Here in Victoria, we have been governed by the Labor Party for the last nine years. Under them, we have seen a massive decline when it comes to integrity, transparency and accountability. Unfortunately, we have also had a media pack who have consistently failed to do their job and things that would not be tolerated elsewhere, are seemingly tolerated here in Victoria.

Our media pack has constantly failed when it comes to holding this government to account and this regrettably is the latest of many examples.

This concerns a story that gained absolutely no traction a month ago, posted by ABC Victorian Political Reporter Richard Willingham about a report that was being released into mental health. To read the article in question click here The reason I say it gained no traction is that it was the latest of many reports on things concerning the Andrews government that are posted in what I like to call a "Dump and Run." They do the good work initially by posting the relevant story but then the follow-up is sorely lacking and they too easily accept the deflected answers from whichever Andrews government minister or Andrews himself offer. It's not good enough anymore!

Daniel Andrews has again batted away questions about allegations surrounding an Independent Report

This story though is very murky and actually in unbelievably poor taste on a number of fronts.

In May 2022 the Department of Health commissioned a report into mental health asking for advice it could provide the Minister of Mental Health regarding formally acknowledging the harms caused by the Mental Health System over many years. The team, led by project facilitator Simon Katterl worked tirelessly over the past year to bring this report together and at last on Tuesday the 13th of June, the report was released.

In normal cases, a report is commissioned, and those who facilitate the process that leads to the report are given the parameters they are to work under and then they follow an INDEPENDENT process until they conclude work on putting the report together.

It is alleged that this did not occur as there was a claim made that someone in the Department of Health put pressure on Katterl to change some of his recommendations, which to his eternal credit, he did not. Allegedly also he was told that he "would not be considered for any future work if he didn't make the changes."

In addition, it is also alleged that someone in the Department of Health backgrounded against Katterl. This is an absolutely staggering allegation that needs to be investigated ASAP. This tweet on Tuesday the 13th of June also is very revealing;

A screenshot of a tweet from Simon Katterl highlighting the stress this took on him

Just so we've got this straight; a person who was commissioned by the Department of Health to provide a report for the Minister of Mental Health was subject to pressure from someone within the department which made his mental health concerns worse.

I mean, really? We've just had a Mental Health Royal Commission and now the Not Before Time Report and we have someone making someone's mental health worse by threatening their job.

What in the actual hell is going on here?

And as for the government's response to this; Andrews: That's a matter for the Mental Health Minister (Gabrielle Williams) Williams: That's a matter for the Department of Health

So there's now a game of pass the buck with music and where it stops will be the unfortunate person thrown under the bus who in all likelihood, wasn't responsible for the threats.

Here's the problem though, we, and by we, I'm referring to those who have kept a close eye on the Andrews govt because everyone else seems to either not care (fair call), have blind partisanship for Labor (those who perform the worst mental gymnastics to justify crap behaviour) or genuinely don't understand what this means so let me lay this out.

This is essentially the Public Service or Government trying to sabotage an INDEPENDENT report because they don't like the recommendations.

The problem is, we've seen this before.

During 2022, an independent audit was commissioned by the Integrity and Oversight Committee into IBAC to measure how they were performing. The independent group (Callida Consulting) went in, interviewed the relevant people to assist in conducting their audit and then put their report together. To read the article about that allegation, click here

To sum up, briefly, the Integrity and Oversight Committee (government members including then Chair Gary Maas) basically threw the toys out of the cot and tried to interfere with the independent audit. This allegation was made in a letter from outgoing IBAC Commissioner Robert Redlich that was sent to the Legislative Assembly Speaker and Upper House President in December. Given they were both Labor, this letter would never have seen the light of day except for the leak to the Herald Sun in March of this year.

An excerpt of the letter Redlich sent to Victorian Parliament

So essentially, we have another situation where someone is "encouraged" to make changes to a report and should they fail to do so, they may not be paid or get another appointment.

This isn't good enough.

Independent Reports are supposed to be Independent! Independent Audits are supposed to be Independent! This ensures we are getting the clearest picture of a situation without the risk of a conflict of interest.

This ensures proper accountability which we desperately need here in Victoria and here we are having either the Government/Public Service seeking to obstruct that process.

If this was the end of the story, well, that would be that except there's one final twist.

On Wednesday the 21st of June, Liberal Party politician Georgie Crozier moved a motion in the Legislative Council regarding the allegations Katterl had outlined.

If you look at the motion itself (see below), she overreached trying to condemn them for not acting on a report the week after it had been released. The first part of the motion just wasn't needed and really, had she stuck with the second part, it could've gone a lot further.

This is the motion Crozier put forward in the Legislative Council on June 21st 2023

That overreach proved costly as when it finally came to division regarding the motion, this was the end result (see below)

The voting result on Crozier's Motion in the Legislative Council

That result right there, pretty much shows the problems in Victoria. Essentially this vote has allowed no further need for action to be taken. The person/s allegedly responsible for the pressure on Katterl has gotten away with it because no further action is required. Another chance of holding the government and public service to account has died.

Apparently interfering with an Independent process is now allowed.

After all, it's the Victorian way!



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